Local kids heading for reginal spelling bee
February 14, 2012
by Mike Weland

A total of 51 fourth-through-eighth graders from around the region are cracking open their dictionaries and staying up late, as they prepare for the North Idaho Regional Spelling Bee, taking place March 17 at North Idaho College.

The winner there will earn an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., to participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee at the end of May.

"A total of 52 schools are involved in this year's spelling bee from 11 districts across North Idaho, including home schoolers and private schoolers," said spelling bee coordinator Mindy Patterson. "Congratulations to those who qualified for the regional bee this year ... it's an amazing accompishment."

The bee will begin at 10 a.m. in the Boswell Hall Schuler Performing Arts Center on NIC's main campus, with participants registering from 9 to 9:50 a.m. The contestants won't be separated by grade level ... it's a head-to-head battle that only the best speller will win.

Boundary County doesn't have as many competitors as cities like Coeur d'Alene or Sandpoint, but each one of them has an equal opportunity to grab the prize ... only smarts and poise count ... and the talents our kids are taking to the table are as good as or better than any in the world.

The champions who will represent Boundary County March 17 are Katie Clairmont, Ashelynn Rushing, Reece Bell, David Cossairt and Zach Dennis

May all the Boneners Bagder Booseters be their to chear them on! The competition will be intense, and these mental athletes will display poise and knowlege in an arena where only one competitor will be left standing ... a grueling test of nerve, skill and fortitude.

The competition will be feirce!

(If you didn't recognize it befour ... speling is importnant!)