Moyie Springs City Council minutes
February 9, 2012

City Council met in regular session January 4, 2012, at the Moyie Springs City Hall.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Evans.  Present were Councilmen Steve Economu, Chad Farrens, Terry Johnson, City Attorney Dan Featherston, Fire Chief Ken English and Public Works Supervisor John Nelson. 


Discussed the minutes of the regular meeting on December 7, 2011.  A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens to approve the minutes as written.  Motion carried.


Discussed the financial statement.  A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Steve Economu to approve as written.  Motion carried.


Lila Finley and Lori Johnson attended the meeting.


Discussed the bills.  A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Terry Johnson to pay the bills.  Motion carried.


The City Clerk swore in the newly elected Councilmen Bart Klaus and Terry Johnson.


The new City Council met in regular session January 4, 2012, at the Moyie Springs City Hall.


Dispensed with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.


Discussed the city hall sign.  Mayor Evans will talk to Bob Blanford, Idaho Forest Group, on Monday, January 9th.


Discussed the ordinance concerning council absences.  City Attorney, Dan Featherston brought another draft for the council to go over.  It will be discussed again at the February 8th meeting.  Steve Economu asked if the council could actually terminate someone who has been elected?  Dan said with due process, yes.


Discussed the deed for the Idaho Forest Group property.  Dan said he forgot to ask Angie the status – he knows they did get the title report.


Discussed the Tate property.  Dan said the next step is to execute on the real property.  Doug explained to new councilman Bart Klaus what has been happening with the Tate property.


Nominations were open for council president.  Steve Economu nominated Chad Farrens and Terry Johnson seconded the nomination.  There being no further nominations, Chad Farrens is the council president.


Discussed the Volunteer Fire Department.  Ken English reported the following:  Dec. 1 – ambulance assist; Dec. 13 – ambulance assist; Dec. 23 – ambulance assist;  Dec. 26 – ambulance assist; Dec. 31 – ambulance assist.  Ken also said there will be a stress training management course on April 15 & 16.  The Sheriff’s office is in the final stage today of enhanced 911 – there are testing today and if it works it will start on January 10, 2012.  Ken said every railroad crossing is given a number to call – the number tells the dispatcher where the call is originating.  They are also working on cell phones – they have almost all the county residents cell numbers.  Doug asked if all the cell phones will go through here now?  Ken said yes.  The penguin plunge will be held sometime in March and they would like the councilmen to participate.  Ken was asked to check the property Marty Jensen is living on – people are complaining about the smell of what they are burning.


Water & Sewer systems.  John Nelson reported we pumped a high on December 28th of 123,500 gpd; a low on the 10th of 57,400 gpd; an average of 98,451 gpd and a total for the month of December of 3,052,000 gallons.  John said the 23rd of December the well meter quit .  He put in another one we had and would like to have the one he took out repaired.  The council agreed. 


A motion was made by Bart Klaus and seconded by Terry Johnson to adjourn.  Motion carried.



Attest:  City Clerk