Notes from the Valley View Elementary principal

October 29, 2011
By Principal Gary Pflueger

Friends of Valley View,

Let me begin where I should — Valley View Academia!

My duty is to lead a successful Kindergarten through fifth grade school program for the children of Boundary County. To do this we need to share a clear focus. I have begun this through our school motto: “Valley View Elementary will maintain a SAFE, CIVIL & PRODUCTIVE School!”

The staff has done a good job maintaining appropriate classroom behaviors and reinforcing hallway/lunchroom rules. The next step is to hold high standards and expectations for all students. All students need to be offered an ambitious and rigorous course of study. The difficulty is the wide range of academic and social skills that are found in each room. Through effective teaching strategies, clear curricular goals and parent support, improvements in achievement will continue.

It is my goal to improve the academic rigor at Valley View Elementary School. I truly believe the full day Kindergarten Program is a big boost toward this goal; an elementary school’s success lays in the strength of the primary grades. As a school we will continue to support the Response to Intervention (RTI) design. This design uses data to identify students so we can adapt the curriculum and instruction to meet their needs.

Intervention strategies are used and adapted to the individual. We are working toward program improvement at school but parental involvement is a very important key! In the evening, please review the school day with your child; spend time reading with your child. Stay involved! If possible make time to volunteer in the school. One of our greatest needs is in the school library. Please contact Julie Colson or Pamela Moe if you can make time to help us, particularly on Wednesdays and Thursdays!

Our AmeriCorp Program is running strong! Megan Brown is just finishing the winter clothing drive for children. There are still items available at the school if needed. Also, the first installment of BoxTops was turned in last week—to the tune of $702.60! Keep them coming in!

Halloween is coming up soooon! Each teacher is allowed the freedom to handle the celebration of this non-school event as they would like; please follow the lead of your child’s teacher. From the Principal’s Office I would like to offer the following guidelines: do not send your child to school in a costume; October 31st is an academic school day. If your teacher allows, the costumes and/or Harvest Party will be allowed at the end of the day. If possible please support the class with a healthy snack at school. The evening will bring enough candy. Thanks!

Speaking of healthy snacks, Matt Dinning and Megan Brown have joined forces to organize a school snack program for this school year. The goal is to raise $6,000 to $11,000 (higher dollar amount allows for higher protein support). Currently private funds, the Panhandle State Bank, Farm Bureau Insurance and the Rotary has raised close to $2,000. Donations can be made at Wells Fargo Bank to the Valley View Snack Fund. This four day school week creates long days; thanks you for your support.

Upcoming Events:

11/3 LifeTouch re-takes
11/6 Daylight Savings Time
11/8 4:30 p.m.; Parent-Teacher Conferences: 6 p.m.; School Board at VVES
11/10 4:30 p.m.; Parent-Teacher Conferences

Veterans Day— At 8:20 all students will join local Veterans at the Flag Pole for the raising of the flag. We will say the Pledge together and sing the National Anthem.

The PTO Carnival will be held mid-winter. Please contact the school if you would like to help!