City Council moving forward on annexation

October 7, 2011
After a contentious public hearing of the Bonners Ferry Planning and Zoning Commission September 29, and a vote of two yes to three no to recommend that the idea of annexation be stopped, the Bonners Ferry City Council on Tuesday made motion to proceed with plans to annex several properties into the limits of the city.

Those 77 properties, the city contends, receive city services at the same rate that city taxpayers do, but don't pay city taxes.

During public hearing, nobody spoke in favor.

Many spoke in opposition.

"Why now?" asked Loretta Hunsaker.

That question went unanswered.

The City of Bonners Ferry has booked the big room at the Kootenai River at 5:30 p.m. Monday, November 14, to allow further consideration of the proposal, which will assure those residents proposed to be city residents, rather than county, the opportunity to plead their case again, and gives opportunity for those who back the city council's decision to speak their case as well.

"Is it fair that they get the services, but don't pay the taxes that city residents do?" one councilman asked. While many who benefit from city services say they'd be happy paying a higher fee, federal law says the city can't charge it.