Bonners Ferry City Council minutes, August 2

August 14, 2011

08/02/11 Council Meeting


Mayor David Anderson called the meeting of August 2, 2011 to order at 5:51 p.m.  Present for the meeting were Mayor Anderson, Council President Chris Clark, Council Members Mike Klaus, Connie Wells, and Tom Mayo, City Administrator Stephen Boorman, Assistant City Administrator David Sims, Clerk Kris Larson, and Economic Development Coordinator Mike Sloan.  Also present were Dave Gray and Jerry Higgs.


The group reviewed the enterprise funds for the fiscal year 2012 budget.


Dave Gray left the budget workshop at 6:30 p.m.


The budget workshop ended at 6:55 p.m.  Council took a break.


The regular meeting convened at 7:05 p.m.  Jimmie Ball, Kevin Snyder, Carolyn Testa, Fire Chief Pat Warkentin, Police Chief Rick Alonzo, and Attorney Tim Wilson joined the meeting.


Jim Ball spoke to council regarding electrical utility billing.  He has about 15 rental houses.  He said he has had tenants move out or be evicted and he is being billed the entire time.  His request is to address the policies that are in place in order to provide protection for landlords.  A person moved into a rental and did not put the utilities into his name and Jim was billed for the utilities. 


He was informed that there are forms to be completed for the moving in and out of the properties.  He was also informed that there could be a disconnect fee and reconnect fee each time there is a tenant move if the landlord wishes.  He will consider this.  Attorney Tim Wilson spoke regarding the utilities and how landlords should tighten up their contracts.  Jim will consider collecting the costs up front for the reconnection of the utilities.  Jim will come into the city to discuss the matter and get this straightened out.


Jerry Higgs spoke to council.  He spoke regarding take home governmental vehicles being used for other than governmental business.  He said he has not seen this at the city but has with other governments.  He said this should be part of the take home vehicle policy.


Jerry also spoke regarding fees to be charged to residents not following city ordinances.  He gave the example of trees and brush in the right of ways.  There is a responsibility of citizens not to encroach on the city’s property so the city does not have to bear the cost to clean up this mess.


Rick Alonzo gave the police report.  There were two crashes, one trespass, three DUIs, two malicious injury to property charges, one possession of methadone, one battery, three thefts, a burglary, one driving without privileges, door open at the high school, and two code violations regarding weeds.  Rick said in the past the weed issues have been cited under the nuisance property but that only gives the person five days and another code gives more time to clean up the mess so he is using the other code.  The new Crown Vic has been repainted by Riverside. 


There is a new radio system coming from Homeland Security for the Crown Vic.  Connie asked about the properties near the Cedar Street Ally that needed cleaned up.  Attorney Tim Wilson said the property owners have been notified but not formally.  Tim said we can do a formal letter this week if Council chooses.  There are four properties that need to be taken care of in that area.


Council wants this to be taken care of.


Pat Warkentin gave the fire report.  There were 11 call outs in July for the fire department including a head on vehicle collision.  The fire department received a grant award from Idaho Department of Lands for radio equipment in the amount of $6,500.  These radios will be P25 compliant. 


Stephen Boorman gave the Administrator report.  He spoke regarding the Columbia River Treaty that controls the Libby Dam and the dams on the Columbia River system.  The focus is on flooding in Bonners Ferry.  APPA has a reporter coming on August 26, 2011 and will do an article on Bonners Ferry for the APPA magazine.  Alderson Lane is mostly completed but the lines need painted.  David said there is an issue with the catch basins that were used on the Alderson Lane project but the Welch Comer engineer is coming to look at them this week.  The wrong catch basins were specified by Welch Comer when the project was bid.  The residents on Alderson Lane were very nice to work with during the project and were very patient. 


Stephen said the golf committee met last week and the consensus was that the course needed to be advertised more and junior play should be encouraged.  Tom Mayo said Ralph at the golf course did not have equipment needs for next year. 


David said EPA inspected the water plant and FERC inspected the dam and Bonneville was also here doing an inspection.  Stephen said the FERC Part 12 inspection is coming up and it costs about $50,000 and this is required every five years.


David spoke regarding a quote for a loader.  Rowand Machinery gave a price of $104,000 that is piggy backing under the State of Idaho’s bid.  The buy back is $110,000 after 18 months.  David said this quote is a tier three engine and they are not made any longer.  He gave the finance options to council to review for the next meeting.  David will have the additional cost of a snow plow for the loader for next week’s meeting.


Mike Sloan reported that Blackfoot Telecommunications was interested in providing services for broadband.  Bill Squires from Blackfoot Telecommunications attended a meeting with officials from Bonner and Boundary Counties.   The Blackfoot Telecommunications Board will meet within 60 days to see if they are willing to come to the area for services.  Mike said they are in Missoula, Montana and seemed to be interested in the project.  Mayor Anderson said there is the question of the public private providers.  Blackfoot Communications already has a presence in Idaho according to the Mayor.  He thinks Blackfoot will come forth with a proposal.


Stephen said the written legal description for the urban renewal district submitted to the State of Idaho was incorrect and JRS Surveying sent the corrected data to the State of Idaho.  He said we may have to have a corrected ordinance done in the future.


Connie Wells moved to add the discussion of the Kootenai Tribe Contract and also discuss the take home vehicle policy for the Police Department to the agenda.  Mike Klaus seconded the motion.  The motion passed, all in favor.


Tom Mayo moved to accept the consent agenda.  Connie Wells seconded the motion.  The motion passed – Mike Klaus “yes”, Chris Clark “yes”, Connie Wells “yes”, Tom Mayo “yes”.


Stephen said the employee that has cleaned the visitor center for several years has resigned and he did a stellar job.  He asked for approval to temporarily hire Arnold Tuttle’s Cleaning Service until we can find an employee or get a plan for cleaning.  Chris Clark moved to hire Tuttle’s Cleaning until we can come up with a plan for cleaning the visitor center.  Tom Mayo seconded the motion.  The motion passed – Mike Klaus “yes”, Chris Clark “yes”, Connie Wells “yes”, Tom Mayo “yes”.


Chris Clark moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the BPA contract revision based on staff’s recommendation.  Mike Klaus seconded the motion.  The motion passed – Mike Klaus “yes”, Chris Clark “yes”, Connie Wells “yes”, Tom Mayo “yes”. (Clerk’s Note:  the revision corrects the point of delivery location description).


Mike Klaus moved to approve the special event permit for the Pawsitive Works Dog Walk and Carnival on August 27, 2011.  Chris Clark seconded the motion.  The motion passed, all in favor.


Item #8, contract with Ed Minden for a test well, was tabled for executive session.


David Sims gave council a handout with an estimation of the taxes and costs of a homeowner if annexation were to occur.  The electrical base rate is higher for residents outside the city limits but water and sewer rates are the same for inside and outside the city customers.  If a landowner has acreage of over five acres in agriculture they can opt out of the annexation. This could be a problem if we wanted to go all the way out to the golf course.  Animals may be permitted if annexation is to occur if the zoning allows or there is the possibility of grandfathering.  David said there is the option of bringing in the zoning as residential B in the annexation area.  Stephen said the city should zone the annexation area the way the people would like.  Chris Clark said annexation of the area out to the golf course may be too large of a bite.  The group discussed taking a smaller area in for consideration this time than we did last time annexation was reviewed.  David said there is an extension policy that the city has adopted that says if a propertyowner requests utility services that they agree to annexation.  Council reviewed a map of the area that may be considered for annexation.  Tom Mayo said he would like to see annexation pursued to see how quickly it can be done.  Tom Mayo moved to go forward with the annexation process.  Chris Clark seconded the motion.  The motion passed, all in favor.


Mayor Anderson said he would like to meet again next Monday at 7:00 p.m.


Mike Klaus moved to request an increase of two percent for the Kootenai Tribal Contract for

fiscal year 2012.  Tom Mayo seconded the motion.  The motion passed - Mike Klaus “yes”, Chris Clark “yes”, Connie Wells “yes”, Tom Mayo “yes”.


Council discussed police take home vehicles.  Mayor Anderson said the police chief is asking for clarification of the distance or parameters of take home vehicles so he can work on a take home vehicle policy.  Rick said he has written a take home vehicle policy for the police department and basically it is for travel to and from home with no personal stops.  Rick said he is asking council if they are going to allow take home vehicles because if they are not then he will not waste his time writing a policy.  Tom Mayo is not sure he is in favor of take home vehicles.  Mayor Anderson said he is in favor of take home vehicles as he would just as soon have police vehicles in driveways in town as sitting at the city.  Chris Clark said he is not opposed to take home vehicles but would prefer having them in the city limits.  Connie is not sure about it but wants them to be in the city limits.  Chris Clark said he does not like to see the police vehicles lined up on the dike in a row as it looks decadent.


Tom Mayo moved to go into executive session per Idaho Code 67-2345 (1) (f).  Connie Wells seconded the motion.  The motion passed – Mike Klaus “yes”, Chris Clark “yes”, Connie Wells “yes”, Tom Mayo “yes”.  Executive session ended at 8:28 p.m.  No action was taken.


Mike Klaus asked staff if they would like to move forward with a test well.  David said we would like to go forward and drill a test well. We have a quote from Ed Minden for $5,725 based on a 100 foot well and we would like authorization to go up to 140 feet based on the same per footage cost as the 100 foot well.  Mike Klaus moved to go forward with the test well.  Chris Clark seconded the motion.  Mike Klaus “yes”, Chris Clark “yes”, Connie Wells “no”, Tom Mayo “yes”.


The meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.   



David K. Anderson, Mayor 




Kris Larson, City Clerk