Moyie Springs City Council minutes, June 8

July 25, 2011

City Council met in regular session June 8, 2011, at the Moyie Springs City Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Evans. Present were Councilmen Steve Economu, Chad Farrens, Terry Johnson, City Attorney Dan Featherston, Fire Chief Ken English, and Public Works Supervisor John Nelson. Councilman Geoff Hollenbeck was unable to attend the meeting due to working out of town.

Discussed the minutes of the regular meeting on April 6, 2011. A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Terry Johnson to approve the minutes as corrected at the May 4, 2011 meeting. Motion carried.

Discussed the minutes of the regular meeting on May 4, 2011. A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Steve Economu to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried.

Discussed the financial statement. Sandy told the council Jim Angle turned his two extra water hook ons back to the city on June 7, 2011. A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens to approve as written. Motion carried.

Drexel Love, Mike Sloan, Lila Finley and Jimmy Ball attended the meeting.

Mike Sloan, EDC, attended the meeting and informed the council there will be a meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 7 PM at the Visitors Center to discuss the Urban Renewal District formed by the City of Bonners Ferry.

Jimmy Ball attended the meeting to discuss concerns he has about the mobile home park he plans for the former Stan Johnson property. Jimmy said one of his concerns is about the toe of the slope – does he have to be 25’ from the toe of the slope? John Nelson said he has to be 25’ from Moyie Street. The mobile homes can be at least 5’ from the toe of the slope. John said, the right-of-way line on Moyie Street is 5’from the edge of the road, so the mobiles will be 30’ back. Jimmy said his engineer, Mike Ripatti, thinks the space is too tight – he’ll probably only put 4 mobiles on the property. Jimmy asked about the fire department burning the structure that’s on the property, he was told no.

Discussed the Estaline Reader property. Dan Featherston said we are still waiting for the paperwork to be finished. Dan told Sandy not to record the quit claim deed or pay the taxes until she hears from him.

Discussed Geoff Hollenbeck’s fire pay. The council said not to pay him – he is working out of town, but to keep him on the Blue Cross insurance for the time being.

Discussed the donation to Idaho Forest Group for their annual BBQ. Chad talked to Jesse and he is under the impression IFG will help, in some way, with the Estaline Reader property. A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens to purchase 6 - $50.00 gift cards – 3 at the Moyie Springs Store and 3 at Far North Outfitters. Motion carried.

Discussed DSL internet service through Frontier. Sandy said she will try to get the penalty waived on the air card we are now using from Verizon – it is not working like it was in the beginning. Sandy said Frontier will call with a quote.

Discussed the W & S licenses for John. John said he got the paperwork and we received a $575.00 penalty for him not having the licenses for several months. A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Terry Johnson to pay the fine of $575.00. Motion carried.

Clean up day is still scheduled for June 25th.

Drexel Love said they need a stop sign at the intersection of Black Bear & N. Elk roads. John was told to put up the stop sign.

Lila Finley asked if anything will be done with South Division? She was told Tom Oxford will give us a quote for grinding the road. Lila asked about patching it? John said it will cost as much as grinding it up. Doug Evans explained the road is not in its right-of-way. John will put gravel & calcium in the holes on S. Division. The council approved Johns request to have Mike Woodward survey S. Division.

Discussed the Volunteer Fire Department. The fire calls for May were: May 4 – LEPC meeting; May 5 – ambulance assist in Whispering Pines; May 6 – accident between a pickup & car; May 8 – ambulance assist; May 10 ambulance assist; May 15 – ambulance assist; May 15 – ambulance assist; May 18 – Fire Chiefs meeting; May 24 – ambulance assist; May 27 – ambulance assist; May 28 – ambulance assist. Drexel asked Ken if it’s his responsibility to deem property a fire hazard? Ken said no. Ken said he will get information on what the City of Bonners Ferry has.

Discussed the Water & Sewer systems. John Nelson reported we pumped a high on May 20th of 204,500 gpd; a low on the 28th of 90,200 gpd; an average of 137,700 gpd and a total for the month of May of 4,268,700 gallons. John said there was a leak at David Dickson’s residence of over 800,000 gallons over the winter and IFG had a 7,000 gallon per day leak, both have been repaired. John said he asked the county for the price of ¾ minus - $7.54/yard. John said no calcium will be applied for 1 – 2 months because it’s too wet. John told Steve Oxford to apply calcium to the roads when the time is right.

John said he hopes to start laying 8” waterline next week from Terry Johnson’s to Westwood Drive. John said he is having trouble getting screened sand from Woods. Last year it was $6.50/yd. Steve Economu said there is a huge pile of scalping in the State pit. John will talk to George Shutes. Doug told John to ask George Shutes about a turn lane from Highway 2 onto North Division. Mike Sloan said that has been brought up at the BATT meetings a couple times. John said he has gotten some trees cut down. He said the trees going east to the Moyie Bridge need to be cut again.

Discussed the sign for the city hall. The council will think about it over the next month and it will be discussed at the July 6th meeting.

Ken English said he would like to purchase 2 accident ahead signs. He was told to get the prices and report at the next meeting.

Discussed who would be the voting delegate and alternate at the AIC Conference. Mike Klaus is the only councilman going from the City of Bonners Ferry. A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Steve Economu authorizing Mike Klaus to be the voting delegate & alternate for the City of Moyie Springs at the AIC Conference. Motion carried.

Discussed the bills. A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens to pay the bills. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Terry Johnson and seconded by Steve Economu to adjourn. Motion carried.

Attest: City Clerk
Sandy Tompkins