Challenging economy reflected in Supplemental M&O Levy

April 30, 2011

By Dr. Don Bartling


Boundary County School District 101

It is an Educational Imperative for the children of our school district that they have the educational opportunities that the supplemental levy provides. The Board of Trustees does not want to place any additional economic burden on the taxpayer but also acknowledges financial support is the only way to ensure our students continue to receive a quality education in a safe environment.

Supplemental levies have helped the Boundary County School District meet the education needs of the children in the county and close the budget gap for the past 25 years. Boundary County School District has a history of strong support for our children's education. The school district has earned the public's trust through a 25+ year relationship of supporting local M&O levies. The school district has performed by preparing students for success in college and the workforce. The Board of Trustees does not want to place any additional economic burden on the taxpayer but also acknowledges financial support is the only way to ensure our students continue to receive a quality education in a safe environment.

Our schools rely on local support to fund essential programs and services. The goal of the supplemental levy is to soften the impact on students given the projected formidable cuts in state funding. As a result of previous revenue shortfalls, declining student enrollment and increasing cost in such areas as health insurance, food for the school lunch program, and transportation, the district has reduced staffing at all levels for several years. Included in those cuts have been certificated and non-certificated positions.

The 2011 Supplemental M & O Election request includes, all extracurricular actives, total salaries and benefits for current classified and certified staff not funded by the State Department of Education, teacher’s supplies/materials, consumables, technology, textbooks/testing, instructional materials. Even if the levy passes, there will be cuts in many of the above areas.

As Superintendent, I assure you the Board and staff have worked extremely hard to develop a levy that is fair to our community and our students that reflects the concerns of taxpayers in this economic climate. I don’t blame community members for not wanting property taxes to go up, but we have no choice but to ask. The district went to the four day school week, closed a school, did not replace retiring personnel, eliminated and consolidated bus routes, reduced spending and sold property. All staff members’ salaries were frozen both 2009-10 and 2010-11 and they had a reduction in pay for 2010-11. We have carried forward funds, but those funds will not last forever. Even with an increased M&O levy we are having to RIF teachers and not rehire classified staff. These are tough times for everyone.

In summary, the levy will reflect the challenging economic times. It is lean and barebones budget. We look to our community to support this levy that will maintain our basic educational services.

At a Special Board Meeting held March 14, 2011, the Boundary County School Board of Trustees voted unanimously to rerun the supplemental levy election on May 17, 2011. Currently, the supplemental maintenance and operations (M&O) levy amount is $865,000. The Board is requesting $1,400,000 each year for two years. The additional amount would help compensate for loss of State funding. It does not fund new programs. Budget cuts will still need to be made for 2011-12. The calendar with the schedule of Superintendent and Board meetings regarding the M&O as well as a brochure with more information can be found at .

Due to election consolidation passing during the 2010 legislative session, the county now runs all elections. Information, including an absentee ballot application can be found at: .

Absentee voting begins 45 days prior to an election now. Absentee ballots will be available from the County Clerk’s Office starting April 1, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Levy Facts and Figures
Total: $2,800,000 over two years
     Year one: $1,400,000
     Year two: $1,400,000


What reductions would occur should the levy fail?

A failed levy will result in a cut of $1,400,000 from the District’s budget; roughly 14% of all operational funding. The Board would reconvene to determine cuts. However the most likely scenario includes the following:

• Reduction of staff between Administrators, teachers, and classified staff; resulting in significant class size increases
• Reduction of student access to computers except for state required testing
• Reduction of curriculum purchases
• Elimination of all academic and athletic extracurricular activities

Citizens with questions should call Superintendent Dr. Don Bartling at (208) 267-3146. Further information can be found at