The long wait for Moyie minutes
January 21, 2017
January 6 ... January 12 ... January 14 ... January 17. This is how many times I have requested the minutes for Moyie Springs council meetings and "special" meetings held in December 2016.

Received only the minutes for the sewer expansion meeting held December 7, 2016.

Obviously in violation of the three day law for producing documents ... again.

After involving the State Attorney General and the local Prosecutor in the past, it was deemed that documents clearly marked as "draft" could suffice if "final" or "approved" documents are unavailable.

Seems the “draft” versions are unavailable as well.

Yet, aren’t the minutes provided to council members a week early? So at the next meeting, they can ask for changes to the minutes?

If that is true, the minutes should have been in the computer and given to members the week before the January 4 meeting.

January 21, 2017 ... email inbox still empty ...

Rosanne Smith
Moyie Springs