Supports Schuman for Sheriff

January 7, 2014
It is at this time I would like to pledge my support and my endorsement for Dave Schuman for the office of Sheriff of Boundary County.

I have known Dave for many years and have worked with him in my various capacities, and he has always been knowledgeable and a leader. I have never known Dave to be deceitful or use his position of authority dishonorably or toward the benefit of himself. Dave has been a man of honor and integrity for as long as I have known him. From house fires where he was the responding deputy to accidents on the highway, to medical emergencies, Dave has shown time and time again, professionalism, respectfulness, knowledge, bravery, compassion, trust and understanding, while carrying out his duties.

His commitment to the community knows no bounds. He has a extremely strong working relationship with most, if not all, public service departments in our area. Further his working with volunteer groups is outstanding, from 4H, to working with reserve deputies, search and rescue, our many volunteer fire departments, is a testimony to his level of training and his enthusiasm to making our county a better place.

When I ran for sheriff of Boundary County, I planned to make Dave my number two man, my chief deputy, as I know Dave's level of commitment for the betterment of the people of Boundary County.

Dave and I share a similar view for the department, a department that is efficient, community oriented, with highly trained officers that share the same level of public service as he does for the people they serve with respect, honor and dignity.

I therefore respectfully request that everyone vote for Dave Schuman for Sheriff of Boundary County.
Allen Gemmrig