Rotten to the 'Common Core'

October 1, 2013
I realize the 2009 Federal stimulus package dangled a five billion dollar bribe to cash strapped US states to sign on to the new Common Core agenda. Now we are finding out there are strings attached.

Our federal government has no constitutional authority to unilaterally set academic standards for Idaho, nor any authority to direct local school board decisions on curriculum and instruction. Please help Idaho students opt-out of the Common Core curriculum by supporting its demise!

We as parents are very concerned about the emerging details or lack thereof, of the Common Core Standards. Especially, the data mining (P20) requirements imposed on each student starting in kindergarten through age 20.

According to multiple internet sources, there are approximately 400+ data points, including physical attributes plus a few listed below to be collected over this period.

   –”Bus Stop Arrival Time” and “Bus Stop Description.”
   –”Dwelling arrangement.”
   –”Diseases, Illnesses and Other Health Conditions.”
   –”Religious & Political Affiliations.”
   –”Telephone Number Type” and “Telephone Status."

Why would I want the federal government controlling our Idaho children’s future in math or English?

They cannot pass a balanced budget using their own math!

Parents in Idaho will not accept government intrusion into the academic standards that are taught to our students in our classrooms and will not tolerate the federal government using such standards to coerce policy decisions at the state or local level on the issues of assessments, curriculum, and instructional materials, which are now within the Constitutional control of Idaho’s state and local governments.

The "Common Core" curriculum is the Obama administration's dumbing down of American students!

“Rotten to the Core” is a better acronym.
Lee Haarstick