To the writers of “Paean for a Sister,”

October 11, 2011
I have no clue who you are, but I simply wish to express my gratitude for the remembrance of your sister. I know love and I know death. And I know there is no joy if one has not experienced pain.

Your letter was one of the most sincere expressions of both I have read in a long time. It matters not that I do not know you. Your letter evoked in me not pain, but the love and joy I have for those I hold dear.

And since your paean was to someone no longer with you, it comes from a place that far too few people care to visit.

Oddly, I felt your joy far more than pain. Gratitude for the time you had together. And that brought me joy as well.

Thank you for sharing anonymously. It touched me deeply.

Warren Santoro