Expect longevity with healthy cells

April 16, 2013
By Julie Smith 

Mitochondrion, Cytoplasm, Ribosomes, Nucleus, Golgli Complex ... what you say?  Remember these words from biology and science class?


“Oh please don’t take me back to biology class!” you may be saying.


But if you are at all interested in your health you NEED to go back there. You see, all life processes take place inside our cells. By looking at the structure and shape of your red blood cells you can gain a better understanding of your overall health.


Your body has an internal terrain, or “playground." If this internal terrain is lacking proper nutrients, flow, and energy your overall health may be suffering. Individual life and health energies show in the drops of blood.


Blood is the chief means of transportation within your body. It transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. It transports nutrients and metabolites and removes waste products. Without proper blood flow or a toxic overload in the system, the body doesn’t get needed nutrients and your health suffers.


There is a process where a drop of live blood from the fingertip is placed under the microscope and magnified at high power with a special lens and lighting.


This is called Live Cell Education or Nutritional Microscopy.


Using high powered microscopes to evaluate the shapes and other properties of blood cells is a way to view your internal terrain and reveal health concerns that traditional methods of blood screening won’t tell you.


Deficiencies, biochemical imbalances or toxicities can be detected by this microscopic look of your blood long before routine lab tests reveal any problems. Once you view your blood under the microscope, you are able to implement nutritional intervention techniques through dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle changes. By viewing your body as a living ecosystem you can feed it the necessary nutrition so your system works optimally to avoid ill health.


Nutrition is the medicine of the future!


We have created much of the disease that plagues our lives through poor dietary and lifestyle choices. Chronic degenerative diseases continue to rise. One possible way to halt a chronic degenerative disease is to assess your internal terrain by taking a look at your cells under the microscope, where you will see a dynamic playground of cells and their surroundings.


As Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will not give drugs, but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of the disease."


Do you want to be that person who is interested in caring for your body so you can avoid chronic disease or ill health? If so, take a look at your cells under the microscope and educate yourself about the internal workings of your body.


Revisit your days of biology and science class to gain a deeper understanding of your bodies overall health.


“If our cells are healthy then we are healthy. It is as simple as that.”  Gary L. Samuelson, Ph.D


**Entirely Natural, LLC offers Nutritional Microscopy Sessions.  Now through the end of April view your internal terrain, or live blood, for only $80.  Gain a deeper insight into the workings of your body!  Call Julie at (208) 255-9956 for more information.