Kootenai River Brewing hosting a monster bash

October 28, 2011
Jen Copely dressed in a dirndl for Octoberfest to serve guests at the Kootenai River Brewing Company ... who knows how she'll be clad for the Halloween celebation!
Mike Naumann, owner and master brewer at the Kootenai River Brewing Company, didn't wear lederhosen for Octoberfest, but his wait staff did wear genuine German attire, including the beautiful and alluring dirndl. There's no telling what they're going to be wearing this Saturday night, but it's going to be fun.

The Kootenai River Brewing Company, 6424 Riverside in downtown Bonners Ferry, is hosting a Monster Mash Saturday evening, October 29, and both ghouls and boys are being challenged to attend.

"Radioactive Blue" is going to be kicking out the jambs, Naumann's famous micro-brews are going to be flowing, and everyone who comes dressed up in a costume is going to be in the running for prizes ranging the gamut from great beer to great beer glasses, and a lot more.

There will be games. There will be dancing. There will be some of the best beer you've ever tasted. There will be chili and cornbread and everything else on an extensive menu. There will be handsome gentlemen and beautiful women working hard to make sure your glass never runs dry, and Mike ... ever in the background, working like a slave to keep brewing those spectacular suds.

The fun runs from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., cover is only $5 and reservations aren't required. To find out more, call (208) 267-HOPS (4677) ... or just drop in at 6424 Riverside Street in downtown  Bonners Ferry.

Male or female, don't wear a dirndl ... your lack of imagination in the costume might land you in competition with staff. And there's no competing with them!